Living Our Values Everyday (LOVE) Awards. This award honors a student who embodies the values of Georgia Tech, including our motto of Progress and Service. For example, awardees may:

  • Show resilience, positive teamwork skills, integrity, and ethical character
  • Exhibit a positive attitude and display respect for others
  • Serve local communities through volunteering or leadership

Because this is not an academic award, GPA will not be a consideration. Nominees will be evaluated for excellence in teamwork skills, integrity and ethics, service to the Institute, and resilience.

Arduengo Awards. Scholarships given to undergraduate students in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Students must be enrolled for at least one year and who demonstrate outstanding potential for life-long contributions to the science of chemistry. Preference may be given to students with financial need whose interests focus on the study and practice of Chemistry and who are involved in undergraduate research activities. If reports of the results of such research activities are presented at local, regional, national, or international congresses or meetings, acknowledgment of this scholarship fund and additional funding sources for research and travel shall be made as may be appropriate.

Nominees will be evaluated for excellence in undergraduate research, academic coursework, and leadership in student organizations or School committees. Publications and conference presentations will be considered in the evaluation of research excellence.

Chance Scholarships. Scholarships shall be awarded to undergraduate upperclassmen majoring in Chemistry, with recipients selected by the Office of Student Financial Planning and Services upon the recommendation of the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. It is the preference of the donors that the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry recommend a chemistry major intending to pursue a career in chemistry.

Nominees will be evaluated for excellence in academic coursework and potential for success in a future career in chemistry, biochemistry, or a related field. Publications and conference presentations will be considered in the evaluation of research excellence.

Eberhardt Awards. The income of the fund provides support for the William H. Eberhardt Scholarships to exceptional undergraduate chemistry students in the College of Sciences.

Nominees will be evaluated for excellence in academic coursework, teaching (undergraduate teaching assistantships), undergraduate research, and leadership on campus. In the evaluation of teaching, preference will be given to those who have taught in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Publications and conference presentations will be considered in the evaluation of research excellence.

Fink Awards. The income of the fund is used to provide the Dr. Richard W. Fink Memorial Scholarships to chemistry students and to provide the Dr. Richard W. Fink Memorial Lectures in Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Nominees will be evaluated for excellence in academic coursework, teaching (undergraduate teaching assistantships), undergraduate research, and leadership on campus. In the evaluation of teaching, preference will be given to those who have taught in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Publications and conference presentations will be considered in the evaluation of research excellence.

Sherry Awards. The income of the Fund is used to provide the Peter B. Sherry Scholarship to a student in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry and to provide a lectureship and memorial scroll in Peter B. Sherry's honor.

Nominees will be evaluated for excellence in academic coursework, teaching (undergraduate teaching assistantships), undergraduate research, and leadership on campus. In the evaluation of teaching, preference will be given to those who have taught in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Publications and conference presentations will be considered in the evaluation of research excellence.

Spicer Awards. The income of the Fund is used to provide the William Monroe Spicer Scholarship to a rising senior in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Nominees will be evaluated for excellence in academic coursework, teaching (undergraduate teaching assistantships), undergraduate research, and leadership on campus. In the evaluation of teaching, preference will be given to those who have taught in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Publications and conference presentations will be considered in the evaluation of research excellence.